Monuments, Museums and Other Places
In Bengo Province, visit the Church of Nossa Senhora de Muxima. Built between 1641 and 1648, is a national monument since 1924 and is located in Muxima, 130 km from Luanda. Houses the Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora de Muxima and receives thousands of pilgrims, especially in September, during the Celebration of Nossa senhora de Muxima.
Also Muxima Fortress is a must – perched on a hill on the left bank of Kwanza River, was built by the Portuguese in 1599 for defense of goods and slaves from the Dutch. There are several ruins worth visiting: Lighthouse Cal do Bom Jesus, Former Jesuit Church of Barra do Dande and Ancient Ambriz, naming just a few.
In Benguela province, visit the Church of Nossa Senhora do Pópulo, built in 1748 in baroque style; the Chapel of Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes, from 1957, where this saint is celebrated in May 17; the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Graça; the Government Palace, a beautiful example of colonial architecture; the Church of Nossa Senhora da Arrábida, from the seventeenth century located in Lobito; the National Archaeological Museum; the Lobito Museum of Ethnography and Quilve Lighthouse; the S. Pedro da Catumbela Lighthouse; the Baths of Jomba; and the deck with panoramic views of Bela Vista.
In the province of Bie, do not miss the Cristo-Rei, the Silva Porto Flort, Munhango Fort, N’Harea Fort, the Garden of Pouca-Vergonha and Kambadua Lagoon, great spot for sport fishing.
In Cabinda, visit the Cemetery of the Kings of Cabinda and its sculptures, the Ruins of Old Episcopal Cathedral of the sixteenth century, the Church of Lândana, the People’s Palace, Sagrada Esperança School, Cabinda Provincial Museum, Church of São Tiago, a ‘must’ of religious architecture, the Church of Nossa Senhora Rainha do Mundo, the Church of the Imaculada Conceição, Mboca Church and Santo António Church.
The Chiloango River Mouth, Sassa-Zau Lagoon, the Manenga and Tchúquisse Ponds deserve your attention!
In Cunene, we highlight what is considered the largest Baobab African tree, in Peu-Peu; the Memorial of King Mandume (last king Kwanyama); Embala Grande which shelter the 11 kings of the region except Mandume; Roçada Fortress, the Monuments Vau-do-Pembe and Mufilo.
In Huambo, the inescapable Kuando Bayou, who has a rare beach on the plateau, due to Ngove Dam and is also located in this province the Moco Mount (Morro do Moco), the highest point in Angola, with 2.620m. Deserve your visit the Center for Floral Studies and the Sacaála study Center, the Senhora do Monte, the Paços do Concelho, the Municipal Anthropological Museum, the Regional Museum of Huambo, the Ruins of Embala Grande and the Tomb of King Ekuikui.
In Huila, the Cracks of Tundavala, the Viewpoint of the Boca da Humpate and Serra da Leba are unmissable. Visit Cristo-rei where you can see Lubango from the viewpoint located here; the former Government Palace, the Cathedral, the Mission of Huila Church, the Tchivinguiro Church, the Church of Quihita, the Sheds, the former Railways Station, the Caconda Fortress and some buildings of colonial architecture as the former Lyceum Diogo Cão, Paula Franssinete College and Almeida Family home.
In Kuando Kubango, find the Rock Carvings of Bototo, the Ruins of Fort Muene Vunongue and the Historic Centres of Missombo and Balombo.
In Kwanza Norte, visit Fort Massangano, from 1583 and located in the kwanza Riverside, and the Kilombo Botanical Garden.
In Kwanza Sul, visit the Sumbe, Sassa and Kicombo Caves, the ruins of Fort Kikombo, the Fortress of Kibala, the Novo Redondo Fortress, the Wall of Kariango, Fortress of Libolo, one of the most emblematic monuments of military architecture in this area. There are still the Rock Engravings of Ndalambiri, of Quingunba and Kinjinge.
Luanda has an huge historical and cultural heritage. We highlight the Church of Nossa Senhora da Nazaré, Nossa Senhora dos Remédios Church, Nossa Senhora do Carmo, the Palace D. Ana Joaquina, the Natural History Museum, the National Museum of Anthropology, the Museum of Slavery, the São Miguel Fortress, a place with a great view over the Luanda Bay, the Iron Palace, the Viewpoint of the Moon, the buildings of the National Bank of Angola, the Josina Machel and Mutu-ya-Kevela Hospitals.
In the province of Lunda Norte, do not miss the Ethnographic Museum, one of the largest museums in the country; the Bala-Bala, the Luaco and Candala Archaeological Centres, the beautiful building of CTT and the Government Palace, great examples of colonial architecture.
In Lunda Sul, visit the Pond Luari, the Bishopric and Religious Monument of Nossa Senhora de Lourdes, the Cathedral of Saurimo, the buildings of colonial architecture as the residence of Former Employees of Public Administration, the Governor’s Residence and CTT.
In Malanje, do not miss the Viewpoint from Morro Kabatuquila, the Black Stones of Pungo Andongo, the Cemeteries of Cambundi-Catembo and Kizenga, the tombs of Queen Ginga and Ngola Mbandi, Ruins of Cacumbo, the fortress of Pungo-Andongo, the Quissol Factory and the Evangelical Church of Quêssua.
In Moxico, besides the natural offerings, you can visit the Ruins of Old Moxico, Archaeological Traces of the Kasai-Cawéwé River and Forttress of Dilolo.
In the province of Namibe, visit the beautiful examples of colonial architecture as the Government Palace, The Rail Station of Moçâmedes, the District Court of Namibe, the Post and Telegraph Building. Also worth a visit, the Fortresses of S.Fernando and Capagombe, Prison Bentiaba, the Mount of Torre do Tombo, the Church of São Adrião, Nossa Senhora de Fatima Chapel, Beach Amelia Church, Nossa Senhora do Mundo Church in Bibala and Chapel of Quiploa.
In Uige, it is essential to see the Church of S. Joseph, Bembe Fort, the N’Zinga N’Zambi, Kakula, Tunda and Quimango Stones , the ruins of Maquela Fortress, the rock engravings of Kissadi, the Tomb of the Elder Mekabango and the Ethnographic Museum of Kongo.
The province of Zaire shelter Kulumbimbi Museum, the ruins of the Cathedral, First Church of Angola, Rico, Padrão and Pinda Ports, and the Spell Stone.